Friday, December 5, 2008

As Daft Punk would say...

One more time
One more time we're gonna celebrate yeah
Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing

Alright, we've reached the end of the World Politics course. Now what?
Who knows? But I'll reflect on it one more time (we're gonna celebrate).

This class has experience. I'm not placing any particular adjective on that, partially because I am such a neutral person (really) and partially because no word could adequately describe this class. Not even 1500 words.

There were good times, bad times, what the hell are you talking about times and oh snap times...all in all, I think I'm glad I took this class. But I don't know.

This class probably has made me a lot more ambivalent than I ever thought I could (or wanted to be).

Oddly, I think that might be the point. PTJ said this class was about learning to argue, learning to make a point and then convince someone else that point is the correct one (or just the better one).

Whether or not I've learned how to effectively argue is debatable (lame pun), but...maybe by being less sure in what I've said, I had learned how to argue better.

If I'm not sure in what I say, then I'll listen more to what others are saying. By listening, I'll understand what they are saying....and then figure out how I agree or disagree based off of that, not based off of the assumptions I made walking into the discussion.

So...I guess this class made me less sure of who I am, but more sure of who I am because I'm less sure. WTF.

“I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” (Socrates knows what's up.)

Oh, and totally going to say Venezuela kicked ass in the debate today. Why? Because my two goals were accomplished: get us kicked out of the debate [I actually wanted that to be the first motion, because it was going to happen anyway] and don't get a solidified development policy passed...whoo! The Venezuelan Way = the kick-ass way.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Haha...agreed. The class was an EXPERIENCE of an indefinite nature.

I definitely felt a bit conflicted as well sometimes...
Interestingly enough I frequently felt like opinions were put into my mouth by classmates, PTJ, the nature of discussion that I wouldn't really have argued on a normal basis, but I guess that that is just part of what PTJ meant in trying to develop our debating skills. Meh.

I thought that Venezuela did a great job in that you kept the rest of us pandering to you throughout the discussion...haha...I can't believe that we didn't try to throw you out sooner! The video was a riot by the way (particularly the video-made lisps).