Friday, October 24, 2008


What's that phrase? The only things you shouldn't talk about in polite company are religion and politics?

Ah, the joys of a World Politics UC.

Obviously, living in Washington, DC, at American University, in a World Politics UC means politics are going to be discussed. Yet, of those two "taboos", it is politics that is more easily placed on the chopping block of conversation...which is strange. People say that religion is harder to broach because it is based on "faith", on someone's beliefs. ...What the hell are politics then? ...Political beliefs are based just as much on "faith" as religious beliefs. Maybe not faith in a deity (though, in some cases, it is true for both), but faith in a system, and ideology, something.

Whoo, I can tell this post is going to be a little tatterdemalion (that's my new word for the day), but that is because I am on 5 different types of medication and am a little unsound.

H'Ok, so. I'm trying to say that, a lot of the time, it is hard for people to be able to completely seperate their political beliefs from within a political discussion. That seems strange, but when people begin discussing beliefs, it is bound to get nasty. Bound to get personal. I mean, Rachel's post generated a kajillion (alright, 40) comments, and after awhile, it was more than just discussion.

I'm just saying that in a group based on politics, it's bound to get political.
...And I'm surprised no one has duked it out yet. [Kinda wanting it to happen]

...Ugh, medication makes me tired.

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