Friday, October 3, 2008

Reflection for a Dream

...First off, go me, because I inspired this week's response question. ...Which not a lot of people responded to, oddly enough. Go me for encouraging being unenthusiastic. Anyway, I oddly don't remember what went on this week.

Oh, yes, fair use. I don't particularly want to discuss that, since it reminds me that tomorrow is PROJECT TIME up in this grill. Along with PAPER time and OTHER PAPER time. ...Probably also WHY SO MUCH WORK time, but we won't think about that one. So, where does this leave me?

Back to the past, then, just like Back to the Future Part III, minus the train. And 1800s.

As I said, I apparently brought about this week's response question, thanks to my reflection of the previous weekend. Crazy chain reaction, I know. I'll be honest, a response question wasn't the response I was expecting.

...Wait a second. My reflection, which was essentially a question of how do we know if we're doing well, was answered by a question. You can't answer a question with a question!

Anyway, I don't know what response I was expecting from PTJ. Actually, no, in the back of my head I thought he'd give me the lightsaber for the class that following Tuesday, saying "If opinions are a problem, how else should we run the class?" At which point, I'd reply that I never said opinions were a problem, just not very quantitative, then I'd say field trip to TDR. ...Actually, I'd probably do that even if I was just randomly handed the lightsaber. I'm hungry by the time World Politics rolls around.

Still, I don't know if my question was answered. I don't know if I even had a question be answered. I think my reflection was just a manifestation of frustration of the foundation of this creation of education by means of subjective vocalization. Word.

Now where does that leave me? As I said in this week's response, nowhere in particular. Opinions do allow for progress, yet until this semester's up, I'm not sure what the cost is. That's the way the world works.

What was the point of this reflection? Not much...just the thought of someone who was distraught but now, while still a bit fraught, is alright with her lot. That one may not have made sense. ...That's ok, for this, I'm sitting on the fence.

I'll stop now.
(And that's a solemn vow.)

...[Ok, seriously, I'll cut it out.]

1 comment:

Tori said...

I think we should just all go to PTJ's office hours and ask how we are doing blog-wise and discussion-wise. Other than that I have no idea, we haven't gotten any grades yet (the syllabus is no help, his grading policy is quite ambiguous) or any feedback in general. I'd guess bo vice is getting an A, but he is a savant in world affairs, but I am of average brain power and do not know how to know everything about anything. At least you are inherently funny and he likes all your blog posts...