Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We All Die. (Well, dying in a nuclear explosion would be nicer than spider babies crawling out of you and eating you alive)

I noticed that most everyone’s posts are based on US reactions to alien invasions as seen in movies.  I think that because the majority of Hollywood productions portray aliens as forces of evil (Ewoks excluded) that the American people will be initially pushing for the government to destroy the aliens.  I usually do not think that the government always does what the people want, but I think government leaders would probably be paranoid about aliens too. 

The US government would probably kill/incapacitate the aliens as a first priority. If we did somehow manage to accomplish that, we would probably try to study them to understand what they are.  We would try to understand their anatomy and how their brains and bodies work.  Then we would try to steal some of their technology.  In the end, I think the US would destroy the alien race entirely before giving them a chance. 

I do not know if that would be possible, because the aliens will most likely be more intelligent and technologically advanced (let’s hope they are vulnerable to water/the common cold!).  In this case, we would probably try to nuke them, and then everyone else with nukes would launch them and we would blow ourselves up.  Then the aliens would repopulate our dead planet.  THE END!!??**#@!!!!!!

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